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111/05/27【研究新知】A new perspective on interpretation of bulk gene expression profile changes in perturbational studies for anti-cancer drug discovery
內  容

【研究新知】A new perspective on interpretation of bulk gene expression profile changes in perturbational studies for anti-cancer drug discovery
主講人:陽明交通大學資訊工程學系 洪瑞鴻教授

One common strategy for studying the effects of an anti-cancer drug is by treating the clone with the drug and seeing what pathways are perturbed by comparing the bulk gene expression profiles before and after the treatment. This strategy works under the assumption that all cells in a clone respond similarly to the treatment.
However, cancer cells are heterogeneous in a clone, there exist diverse Intraclonal subpopulations among which some are more susceptible and some are more resistant to the treatment.  The change in the distribution of subpopulation upon treatment has to be considered when interpreting the changes in the bulk gene expression profiles.
In this talk, I am going to introduce a new computational methodology that learns the subpopulation gene signatures from single-cell RNA sequencing data and applies the knowledge to decompose the bulk expression profiles into a combination of subpopulations. 
Therefore, the dynamics of subpopulations can be recovered and provides a new perspective on the effects of anti-cancer drugs. We applied this approach to one of the world’s biggest perturbational gene expression databases, LNCS L1000 CMap, and demonstrate that the new perspective enabled by our approach can facilitate the discovery of new therapeutics.


資料維護人:醫學研究部 簡助理研究員
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