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Introduction: Team members

We provide outpatient service for general dermatology conditions,cosmetic consultation and aesthetic service.

Team members

Name Specialty
Ruey-Yun Huang General dermatology.
Hsien-Yi Chiu General dermatology, psoriasis.
Wei-yu Chen General dermatology.
Paul-Chen Hsieh General dermatology.
Yun-Ju Tsai General dermatology.
Yang-Shia Dai General dermatology, pediatric dermatology.

Service items

*General Dermatology:e.g.eczema,allergic dermatitis, urticaria,tinea pedis,onychomycosis,folliculitis,furuncle(carbuncle),erysipelas,wart,skin tumor,acne,psoriasis
*Liquid nitrogen Cryotherapy
*Narrowband UVB
*Nd:YAG laser
*Er:YAG laser
*AHA peeling
*ELOS technology for skin renewal 


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