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Message from Superintendent

Chong-Jen Yu, M.D., Ph. D., EMBA

The establishment of the NTUH Hsin-Chu Branch is an unprecedented, innovative project in the NTUH healthcare system. Created from a merger between three previous NTUH branches located in the Greater Hsinchu region — the Hsinchu Branch, the Chu-Tung Branch (both were restructured in July 2011), and the Hsin-Chu Biomedical Park Branch (in operation since December 2019), the current NTUH Hsin-Chu branch is operated as one organization consisting of two medical institutions (NTU Hsin-Chu Hospital and NTU BioMedical Park Hospital). This visionary transformation through organizational integration, resource sharing, and specialty coordination makes the NTUH Hsin-Chu Branch a healthcare beacon for the greater Hsinchu area that offers high-quality medical services and facilitates the advancement of biotechnology, precision medicine, and intelligent healthcare. With a strong connection to the vibrant scientific/technology communities and the cultural richness of the Hsinchu region, the NTUH Hsin-Chu Branch is the only hospital in the NTUH healthcare system that provides a comprehensive spectrum of medical endeavors, ranging from cutting-edge research development, high-quality clinical trials, rural healthcare programs to long-term care systems. We aim to develop the capacity of teaching, research, and medical services of the NTUH healthcare system and take it to a whole new level.

Before the reorganization, each of the three branches has its unique historical background and medical specialization. After the merger, each campus of the NTUH Hsin-Chu Branch will continue to provide essential medical services, including internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, and emergency services. Moreover, the three campuses will share healthcare capabilities and medical professionals through resource integration to ensure well-coordinated and steady operations within the organization. On the other hand, each campus has its unique mission and specialization to realize the full potential of the NTUH Hsin-Chu Branch on medical service, teaching, and research capabilities. The NTU Hsin-Chu Hospital in Hsinchu city, as a regional emergency responsibility hospital, focuses on providing advanced emergency and critical care. The NTU BioMedical Park Hospital Chu-Tung Campus provides geriatric medicine, rural health care, chronic diseases, and psychiatric services. The NTU BioMedical Park Hospital, located in the Zhubei Biomedical Park, is dedicated to translational research, innovative medical devices, and drug development, in addition to high-quality emergency care, top-notch cancer treatments, personalized health exams, and international specialty medical services.

Moving forward, we will further strengthen our service and research capacities by completing the phase 2 construction of the NTU BioMedical Park Hospital research building and phase 3 development planning. We will build the NTU Hsin-Chu Hospital Nanya Campus and establish a variety of specialty clinics and centers, including a center for translational medical research, a cardiovascular center, a neuroscience center, and a women & children’s center. We will also provide comprehensive training for healthcare personnel, facilitate collaboration between the biomedical industry and hospitals, invest in medical research and innovations, and ultimately turn the greater Hsinchu region into a city of intelligent health.

We envision that the NTUH Hsin-Chu Branch will emerge as one of the top medical and translational research centers at the national level and a crucial nexus for medical and biotech talent training. Together, we strive for excellence in all that we do, and we are proud to represent the National Taiwan University Hospital based in Hsinchu.

Data Maintainer:ADMIN   Updated:2024-08-04
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