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Emergency Services

Emergency Visit Procedures and Notes
Triage-->registration-->physician evaluation and treatment-->check-out-->discharge or admission.
  • Please present your National Health Insurance (NHI) IC Card to the triage staff before entering emergency room (please present your National Citizenship ID if your NHI IC Card is not available).
  • Please fill out the basic personal information form if this is your first visit. (Only your contact telephone and mobile numbers need to be filled out if you present your National Citizenship ID.)
  • The triage nurse will assist in the evaluation of your condition.
Registration Please present your NHI IC Card at the registration counter; your National Citizenship ID is also required if there is no photo on your NHI IC Card. For patients without an NHI IC Card, up-front payment of the full emergency visit fee is required; the fee is refundable if you present your NHI IC Card and the original receipt within 10 days. After receiving your medical chart, please present it the corresponding consultation room listed below and await your turn in the waiting area.
  • Internal medicine: Consultation Area 2
  • Pediatrics: Consultation Area 3
  • Surgery: Consultation Area 1
Emergency Room Visits
  • Please keep your voices low while awaiting your consultation.
  • Please limit the number of companions to 1-2 per patient in to maintain adequate space and a comfortable environment.
  • Our nursing staff will arrange the necessary tests and treatment as soon as possible after physician evaluation.
  • If a specialty consult is necessary, our staff will contact said specialty as soon as possible.
  • ATMs are available in the New Wing elevator hall; payphones are installed by the emergency room pharmacy and outside the hospital main lobby.
  • Please contact our staff if you require vomit bags or bedpans.
  • Wheelchairs and gurneys are available for loan by the emergency room front desk.
  • If your condition requires hospitalization, our staff will direct you to the cashier after the arrangements have been made.
  • Please do not leave the emergency room during your visit. If you cannot stay until your evaluation and treatment is completed, please fill out a Discharge Against Medical Advice form, and our staff will direct you through the discharge procedures.
  • Due to limited bed numbers, we may not be able to admit all patients promptly; please notify our staff if you require transfer to another hospital, and we will make the necessary arrangements.
  • Emergency visit fees (NHI IC Card holders): registration Fee NTD 300, copayment NTD 300, total amount NTD 600.
  • Upon discharge, our staff will provide instructions regarding your condition. Please contact us at (03)5326151 ext.524207 if you have any questions after discharge. Please return to the emergency room as soon as possible if your condition worsens or does not improve.
  • For NHI IC Card holders who paid up front, a refund can applied for if you present your NHI IC Card and receipt at the emergency room cashier within 10 days of your visit (24 hours/day).
  • If your hold a Major or Catastrophic Illness Card, please ask the emergency room physician if your current condition is eligible for copayment exemption. If eligible, present your Major or Catastrophic Illness Card at the cashier during discharge. If you do not have your card with you at the time of discharge, your copayment will be refunded if you present your Major or Catastrophic Illness Card along with your NHI IC Card and the original copy of your receipt at the cashier at the ER (24 hours/day) within 10 days of your visit.
  • If you need to apply for occupational diseases/injuries benefits, please inform your doctor and present your application form (two copies) during your ER stay. If you do not have a form with you, a refund may be applied for at the emergency room cashier if you present your application form, NHI IC Card and receipt within 10 days of your visit (24 hours/day).
  • To apply for a medical certificate, please inform your physician during your stay at the ER. The staff at the cashier will confirm your personal information in accordance with your passport or other ID documents; the certificate can be picked up by yourself or a direct relative at the emergency room office on the following work-day afternoon (2-4 pm, ID and receipt required). If you require a certificate after discharge, please make an appointment with the appropriate outpatient department. A signed letter of authorization is required if the application is made by proxy other than a direct relative.
Emergency Room Observation
  • For safety reasons, please do not charge your mobile phone in the consultation rooms or hallways; please refrain from using your mobile phone when the physician is treating you.
  • Keep your valuable belongings with you (e.g., mobile phone, wallet, laptop…) to prevent loss or theft.
  • One blanket is provided per patient; please inquire our nursing staff if additional blankets are needed.
  • Wheelchairs are available at the emergency room lobby, and potty chairs are available in the waste disposal room; please return after use.
  • No meal service is provided in the emergency room; food is available in the New Wing. Please separate and dispose of your garbage in the waste disposal room after meals to maintain a tidy environment.
  • If you need to hire a caregiver, please contact the nursing stage to receive a list of our contracted legal agencies.
  • To maintain patient safety and lower the risk of intrahospital infection, please lower the number of visitors and shorten your visits. Please keep your volume down when visiting, and visitors should leave the hospital before 9:30 pm.
  • Once you have been cleared for admission or discharge, please bring your bill and NHI IC Card to the cashier; if a family member is conducting the above procedures in your stead, his or her ID or driving license is also required.
  • Please complete the admission consent form; the ID of the individual providing consent must be provided.
  • If the necessary ID is not on hand, it must be provided to the ward nursing station within 3 days of admission.
  • If you do not possess an eligible NHI IC Card, you will be expected to pay your hospitalization and treatment costs in full. If you acquire an NHI IC Card during your stay, please present it to the admission counter in the hospital lobby to change your coverage status.

Emergency Room Visit Process
Please report to triage first, where your vitals will be checked. Proceed to the registration counter and complete registration, where you will be directed to a consulting to room according to your triage stage and condition (triage stage 1 → resuscitation room; surgery → consultation area 1; internal medicine stage 2-5 → consultation area 2; pediatrics → consultation area 3). One evaluation and treatment is completed, please check out at the cashier and proceed for admission or discharge.


Image:NTU Hsin-Chu Hospital Emergency Visit Notice
Data Maintainer:Emergency Room   Updated:2024-02-16
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